Friday 20 December 2013

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Geophysics is An Interdisciplinary Branch of Physics, however It is now recognized as a separate discipline and It Deals with Study of The Earth by Applying the Fundamental Laws of Mathematics and Physics. Geophysics is the Super Computing Science in which lots of Computation is involved to carry out its operations for versatile purposes and thus helping the world in solving problems via intuiting cutting-edge research results.
It also Mainly Incorporates 
1) Geology 
2) Geography
3) Seismology
4) Hydrology 
5) Volcano-logy 
6) Oceanology 
7) Petrology 
8) Geochemistry 
     and many other disciplines as per needs of this subject.

Historic Evolution
The Geophysics' History and Origins go back to ancient times when technology was not so much advance as it has been evolved today. The first ever compasses used by man were "lodestones (naturally occurring piece of stone such as magnetite attracting pieces of iron)". The descriptions of "lodestones" have been found in early survived descriptions from China, India and Greece. However Modern Compass was invented in 4th Century before Christianity (B.C.), also the first "Seismometer (the instrument that measures the motion of ground combined those of seismic waves generated by Earthquakes, Volcanic Eruptions as well as from other seismic sources (natural/artificial)" was invented in 132 B.C. Since the inception of Geophysics when this discipline wasn't given name as an independent subject, it helped ancient people, cultures and societies to explore groundwater, minerals as well as initial level hydrocarbons' exploration methods. It was 20th century when Geophysics started remote exploration of the solid Earth and ocean, geophysical methods played an essential role in the development of "Plate Tectonics Theory". 
The evolution of Geophysics is motivated via three factors:
i)  The quest of man about home planet "Earth"
ii)  The Use of Geophysics for economical purposes such as exploration of "ore-deposits"; "ground-water" and "hydrocarbons' exploration" etc.
iii) The know-how about Natural Hazards (Environment) e.g., earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, cyclones, floods etc.

Classical and Observational Period
In circa 240 B.C. Eratosthenes of Cyrene (an ancient Greek-Roman city near present-day Shahhat, Libya) measured the Circumference of the Earth (40075 kilo-meter) using trigonometry and the angle of the Sun at more than one latitude in Egypt. There is some information in Aristotle's Meteorology, Naturalis Historia (The Natural History; LatinNaturalis Historia is an early encyclopedia published circa AD 77–79. It is one of the largest single works to have survived from the Roman Empire to the modern day and purports to cover all ancient knowledge) by Pliny The Elder and in Strabo (Strabo was a Greek geographer, philosopher and historian)'s "Geographica". Aristotle and Strabo recorded observations on tides. A natural explanation of volcanoes was first undertaken by the Greek philosopher Empedocles (c. 490 - 430 B.C.) who considered the world divided into four elemental forces; Earth, Air, Water and Fire. Empedocles was of the view that volcanoes were manifestation of the elemental fire. Lucretius (The Lucretius Carus was a Roman poet and philosopher) claimed that Mount Etna was completely hollow and the fires of the underground driven by a fierce wind circulating near sea-level. Observations of Pliny The Elder noted the presence of earth quakes precede and eruption. Athanasius Kirchner (a 17th century German Jesuit Scholar and Polymath who published near 40 major works on Oriental Studies, geology and medicine) witnessed eruptions of Mount Etna and Stromboli, then visited the crater of Mount Vesuvius and published his view of an Earth with a central fire connected to numerous others caused by the burning of sulfur, bitumen and coal.
Instrumental and Analytic Period 
Under this heading a brief introduction of instrumentation in Geophysics and and a review of earlier analytic approaches in this field would be taken into account. The first experimental treatise was William Gilbert's "De Magnete" (1600) in which he deduced that compasses point north because Earth itself is magnetic (having certain magnetic field). In "Principia Mathematica" which was published in 1687 by Isaac Newton, which not only laid the foundations of Classical Mechanics and Gravitation but also showered light on versatile Geophysical phenomena such as "tides" and "precession of the equinox (when axis of an astronomical body slowly traces out a cone)". After some of the bases of Geophysics laid in terms of observation, instrumental and analytical point of views, then it was the time to apply these analyses to several areas of geophysics e.g., Earth's shape, structure etc.

Waqas Haider
M.Sc. Geophysics 
Department of Earth Sciences
Quaid-I-Azam University Islamabad Pakistan.

Feel Free to contact me for more information:
Cell: +923215140154

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